Depending on your service provider, there are two different types of voicemail available on your
BlackBerry device: standard voicemail and a visual voicemail service.
With standard voicemail, you can set up your voicemail access number and password, so you can
quickly call in to your voicemail service from the Calls screen in the Phone app.
If you subscribe to a visual voicemail service, you can view a list of your voicemail messages, play your
voicemail messages, and change various voicemail settings from your BlackBerry device, without having
to call in to your voicemail service. Depending on the features your service provider supports, your
voicemail messages can be automatically downloaded to your device and you can pause, fast-forward,
or rewind the voicemail message as you listen to it. You can also forward a voicemail message, send a
reply to the person who left you a voicemail message, or delete a voicemail message from within the
Phone app or the BlackBerry Hub.
Your service provider might automatically delete messages after a certain period of time. If you don't
want a message to get automatically deleted, you can save it to your device.
Depending on your country or region, a visual voicemail service might not be available. You need to
subscribe to a visual voicemail service to access the features. Contact your service provider to